RN Skills Refresher Course

Program Delivery
On Campus
Total Credits
0 Credits

About The Program

The RN Refresher Course is a program designed to bring inactive or out-of-practice registered nurses up to date with current technology and standards in the fast-paced healthcare environment. It covers various topics including basic patient care, medical/surgical nursing, professional confidence, and new career/educational opportunities.

The program is offered twice a year (Fall and Spring) and lasts for one semester. Learn more about the program here. 

Spring 2025

Class Dates: Fridays 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.; January 31, 2025 – May 09, 2025. No Class February 14, 2025 and March 28, 2025.

Tuition and Fees: $2400.00

Class Number: 40737

How to Apply: Printable Apply Now Information – Registration begins October 28, 2024

Fall 2025 - Announcement Coming Soon for Registration

Focus of Study

The focus of study for the RN Refresher Course is to provide registered nurses with updated knowledge and skills in the field of healthcare. The course aims to help participants feel current, technologically savvy, and confident as a professional nurse.

  • Review previous knowledge and basic patient care
  • Acquire additional knowledge and skills required of a medical/surgical nurse
  • Gain a renewed sense of self-confidence as a professional nurse
  • Exposure to traditional and new career/educational opportunities
  • Ability to transfer into a staff orientation in a health care environment

Program Requirements

Before the start of class, there are several steps you must complete as part of the application process:

  1. Submit the online Criminal Background Investigation (CBI).
  2. Complete the required Drug Screening (DS) in person. NO EXCEPTIONS will be made.
  3. Receive instructions via email on how to complete your CBI and DS.
  4. Complete all required registration forms and pay tuition and fees.
  5. Submit registration forms to Academic Outreach
  6. Have access to a computer, printer, and experience with online searches (e.g. Google).
  7. Be prepared to conduct online searches and use a word processor.
  8. Provide a copy of your current RN Licensure, or we will assist you in obtaining a temporary RN license from the Colorado State Board of Nursing.
  9. Obtain proof of Nursing Malpractice insurance.
  10. Provide a copy of your driver's license or state-issued ID.
  11. Obtain proof of current health care provider CPR training from the American Heart Association.
  12. Obtain proof of current immunizations, including PPD, MMR or positive titer, Hepatitis B, Varicella or positive titer, flu, tetanus, and COVID-19.

Program Coursework

Clinical Disclaimer: The 120-hour clinical component will be arranged for students in the program. This component has been designed to be a one-on-one clinical experience with a preceptor who will provide instruction, guidance, and support. Clinical rotations are primarily in the adult med/surgical units of the local hospitals.

Students are NOT to contact a clinical agency to negotiate a clinical placement. In addition, there are NO guarantees that students will be placed in the clinical agency of their choice. The time frame to obtain a clinical placement can vary and NO guarantee of time frame shall be otherwise construed. NO presumption of time frame, placement, hours, shifts, employment, etc should be assumed by the student. The University works with a variety of affiliates and agencies in this program. The University maintains NO authority over the affiliates and/or agencies that the University collaborates with for the program. Therefore, the University can make NO guarantee as to the policy, procedure(s), protocol, personnel, time frame, etc of the clinical affiliates or of the State Board of Nursing (DORA).

Disclosures: Non-Credit - Certificate of Completion - Not notated on the transcript - Not Financial Aid Eligible

These Programs are NOT gainful employment certificates and are NOT eligible for financial aid. Degree-seeking students should consult with their student advisor prior to taking non-credit courses. For a full description of UCCS certificate types and policies please view the UCCS Campus Policy.

Contact Us

Michelle Mongillo, MSN, MBA, BSN, RNC-NIC
RN Refresher Coordinator
Email: amongill@uccs.edu
Phone:  719-255-4422