Current Student Resources

Academic Resources

UCCS and The Helen and Arthur E. Johnson Beth-El College of Nursing and Health Sciences care about your success and offer many resources for academic and personal growth.

Johnson Beth-El Student Resources:

Student Resources:

Student Services:

Canvas Portal

Log into Canvas to find the latest information for your courses.

Access Canvas

Beth-El Student Nurse Association (BSNA)

Meeting information and minutes, upcoming activities, and more.

Learn More about BSNA

Student Policies

Undergraduate Students Policies:

Negative drug screens are required of all admitted nursing students.

Students who take legally prescribed medication (see note regarding marijuana below) that may result in a positive drug screen need to contact eScreen at 800-881-0722 before completing the drug screen to inquire about necessary steps.

Note that marijuana usage, regardless of the type of usage (recreational or medicinal), is strictly prohibited.

Academic Honors Programs

President’s List Requirements

  • 4.0-grade point average
  • Minimum of 12 graded credit hours in the College during a regular semester (fall or spring)

Dean’s List Requirements

  • 3.75 to 3.99-grade point average
  • Minimum of 12 graded credit hours in the College during a regular semester (fall or spring)

The dean notifies awarded students via written communication at the end of the designated semester.

Honor Society of Nursing

Johnson Beth-el Nursing students are eligible to join the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing - Xi Phi Chapter #355

Learn More about the Honor Society

Campus Events

Mountain Lion Connect (MLC) is the campus-wide platform for promoting events. MLC is your way to connect to organizations, departments, and your peers and community.

Visit Mountain Lion Connect
Students sitting on the UCCS west lawn for welcome week event

Student Employment

The Student Employment Assistance Network (S.E.A.N) connects UCCS students with available jobs across campus.

Visit the S.E.A.N Website
Student Employee working at the coffee shop