Johnson Beth-El Alumni-Student Mentorship Program


This program will connect current Johnson Beth-El (JBE) undergraduate and graduate students with experienced and recent JBE alumni to engage in mutually rewarding relationships focused on academic and professional goals. These interactions will consist of shared experiences, knowledge, and role modeling. This program is not restricted to in-person meetings within Colorado Springs. Remote (distance) mentoring (e.g., video conferencing, online meeting software/platforms) is encouraged, especially among students and alumni who may not live in the Colorado Springs area or have readily available access to transportation.  

Each student will be paired with an alumni mentor based on similar interests and experiences. The mentor and mentee will establish a mutually convenient schedule for meeting to address the mentee’s goals and objectives. For some, this may consist of weekly or monthly meetings, others may opt for less formal meetings on a as needed basis.  The frequency and expectations of these meetings should be clearly defined and no less than once per semester for one-year.  The mentor should be available, within reason, to assist the mentee in various questions and procedures such as: constructing a resume/CV, job search process, interviewing, advanced education/degrees, career prospects and more.

Additional program information:

  • The program duration is expected to last one year or two-three academic semesters at the least.
  • Mentors (alumni) and Mentees apply now through September 17, 2023.
  • Mentors and Mentees will be matched at the start of the Fall 2023 semester.
  • Student Mentee applications are open for Fall 2023 matches
  • Mentors (especially, new mentors joining the program) will be required to submit a background check before they are matched with a student. (If you have completed this process once before, you do not need to submit a new background check)
  • Pro-Tip: Use your first meeting to establish preferred methods of communication and goals/objectives of the mentorship relationships are, future frequency of meetings and to get to know one another’s backgrounds and personal goals for growth through this program.