HPNU Internship Opportunities

Human Physiology and Nutrition Internships

The Department of Human Physiology and Nutrition (HPNU) offers internship experiences (HPNU 4990) as an upper division elective in the undergraduate exercise science and human physiology and nutrition B.S. degrees, and the applied physiology (Elite Sports Performance track) M.S. degree.  Areas offered include:
•    Exercise Physiology
•    Cardiac Rehabilitation
•    Professional, collegiate, high school, and tactical strength and conditioning
•    Applied Sports Science
•    Sports Performance Centers
•    Nutrition
•    Physical Therapy

Specific locations currently affiliated with the UCCS HPNU Department:

•   United States Paralympic Sports Performance Internship 
•   USAA Premise-Health Student Internship
•    Colorado College Athletics
•    US Air Force Academy Strength and Conditioning (Graduate students only)
•    US Air Force Academy Human Performance Laboratory
•    Colorado Springs Fire Department
•    UC Health Cardiac Rehabilitation
•    Commonpirit Cardiac Rehab / Ornish ICR
•    10th SFG Fort Carson (Graduate students only)
•    Switchbacks F.C. 
•    USA Cycling
•    USA Swimming
•    UCCS Women’s Lacrosse Strength & Conditioning
•    UCCS Women’s Soccer Strength & Conditioning
•    UCCS Men’s and Women’s Track & Field Strength and Conditioning
•    Performance 365
•    D1 Sports Performance
•    EXOS
•    Ground Up Sports
•    FYX SportsCastle
•    Castle View High School (Summer Only)
•    Discovery Canyon High School Strength & Conditioning
•    Vista Ridge High School
•    Fountain-Fort Carson High School
•    Redline Athletics
•    Olympic Training Center Sports Physiology (Graduate students only)
•    Olympic Training Center Paralympic Strength & Conditioning
•    Olympic Training Center Paralympic Sports Performance (Spring 2024)
•    Colorado School of Mines Strength & Conditioning (Golden, CO)
•    CU-Boulder Strength & Conditioning (Boulder, CO)
•    CSU-Pueblo Strength and Conditioning (Pueblo, CO)
•    Advanced Physical Training
•    Back in Action Wellness
•    Strive Physical Therapy
•    Synapse Physical Therapy
•    Rezac Physical Therapy
•    Colorado Center of Orthopedic Excellence
•    Neuability
•    Results Fitness
•    Restore Hyper Wellness
•   OCC Strength and Conditioning Internship 

Application Process

Detailed descriptions of the internship process, application paperwork, and background check recommendations are specified in the HPNU Internship Informational Packet.  All aspects of the packet require completion prior to beginning an internship experience.

The following checklist should be completed prior to enrollment in HPNU 4990:

Detailed descriptions of the internship process, application paperwork, and background check recommendations are specified in the HPNU Internship Informational Packet.  All aspects of the packet require completion prior to beginning an internship experience.  The following checklist should be completed prior to enrollment in HPNU 4990:

  • Notify and set-up a meeting with the internship coordinator (IC) to discuss your interest in completing internship hours for academic credit at least 3 months prior to enrollment.
  • Choose and evaluate the BEST internship experience/location that aligns with your interests based on your field of study.
  • Immediately notify the IC of your chosen location to check for an updated affiliation agreement, to determine the application process for the site, and to gain approval from the HPNU Department Chair.
  • Complete and submit application to the site supervisor.
  • Complete and submit paperwork to the IC.
  • Complete background check through required UCCS website (TCLogiq).
  • Enroll in HPNU 4990 (determine the appropriate section through IC) for the approved number of credits (1-6).  Three (3) credit hours is the maximum per semester and per internship site.
  • Complete required hours, course assignments, evaluation of site, and submit final report before the end of the semester.
  • The internship experience may only be taken pass/fail.

Dan Hutchison Contact information

Dan Hutchinson, contact for the HPNU internship program

Dan Hutchison, MS, ATC, CSCS
Internship Coordinator in Human Physiology and Nutrition (HPNU)
(719) 255-7929