Frequently Asked Questions


General Program Questions

RN to BSN Quick Links

Answers to your questions and more
  • Our requirements and more

    Learn about requirements, then apply to UCCS today! 

  • Learn how much our program will cost

    In the spirit of transparency, we break out all mandatory student fees on student accounts. 

  • Learn about transferable courses and our requirements

    Our curriculum is flexible, and students may choose how many and which courses they take each semester.

  • Have a question? We're happy to answer it.

    Explore general questions about our program at your leisure. 

  • Watch our engaging content

    We offer live online webinars each month you can attend from home, or you can watch some of our recorded webinars. Each is designed to provide the information you need with flexible convenience.

  • We fuel the success of our students

    Our students come from various backgrounds and experiences. We’re honored to share their success stories with you!

  • Apply to UCCS today

    Fuel your future, apply to become a UCCS student today.

  • Get answers to your questions

    Not ready to apply quite yet, or just have a question for us? We'd love to help.

What is the difference between the Dual Enrollment option and the RN to BSN option?
What courses will transfer to UCCS?
How many credit hours must I complete at UCCS to graduate?
What is the minimum GPA required for admission?
How long does it take to be admitted?
How long does it take to graduate?
What is the cost?
Are the programs fully online?
Are scholarships available?
What are the required courses?
Do I need to complete my general education courses before applying to UCCS?
Can I take the general education classes at UCCS?
I applied and was admitted to the Pre-Professional Nursing major. Why?
Is there an Orientation?
I have never taken an online course before. What is your advice?

Admissions Questions

Who is eligible for the Dual Enrollment RN to BSN Option?
What are the admission requirements for the Dual Enrollment RN to BSN Option?
Is financial aid available?
What if I am admitted but decide not to enroll?
What are the application deadlines?
How do I apply?