Research and Scholarship Council

About the Council


The Research and Scholarship Council (RSC) is committed to fostering and promoting the scholarly activities of faculty and students across the Helen and Arthur E. Johnson Beth-El College of Nursing and Health Sciences. The RSC:

  • Provides a forum for internal discussion,
  • Initiates and revises policies specific to research and scholarship within the college,
  • Gathers and disseminates information to the faculty, and
  • Provides a faculty voice to college administration on matters pertaining to research and scholarship

About the Council

The Research and Scholarship Council (RSC) is committed to fostering and promoting the scholarly activities of faculty and students across the Helen and Arthur E. Johnson Beth-El College of Nursing and Health Sciences.

  • Review Publication Funding Request Applications
  • Faculty Research Needs Assessment
  • Review Faculty Research Award Applications
  • Integrate University-Level Research/Scholarship Initiatives into JBE College

Goals of the Research & Scholarship Council

Through our work, the Research and Scholarship Council aims to:

  1. Expand the base of competitive research activity and thereby increase the drive for dedicated internal support of research and scholarly activity in the JBE College of Nursing and Health Sciences.
  2. Elevate the regional, national, and international visibility and reputation of JBE faculty for their excellence in scholarly and research accomplishments.
  3. Provide faculty with opportunities to develop new avenues of scholarly endeavor.
  4. Strengthen the educational offerings through increased opportunities for student and non-tenure track faculty participation in research, scholarship, and creative activity.
  5. Build collaboration and synergy among the departments across the JBE College of Nursing and Health Sciences.

Contact the Research & Scholarship Council

Contact the RSC at anytime with questions or suggestions at